videogame_asset My games. By the 20th of Spring the event will trigger, regardless of if the player made enough money. Xtardew Valley-4399-3-0-0-1664552821. Eight hearts. 😂😂 this is the link on how to get a wilted bouquet cutscene will trigger where Marnie will be waiting outside the farm's door with a dog or cat on the first sunny Wednesday or Friday morning in Spring after earning 1,000g. The umbrella is meant to protect you from those gloomy rainy days. #4. This mod adds a GUI and two commands that allow to lookup events by ID/character name. See default text and the translation guide. Endorsements. 2. chevron_left. event. 1 Farm events 1. She spends her days dining on exquisite food, sipping her expensive wine, walking around Pelican. . videogame_asset My games. Stardew Valley update 1. Enter the store between 8 pm and 10 pm. All of Harvey's heart events in Stardew Valley 1. Battlefront II (Classic) Fallout 3 Fallout 4 Fallout New Vegas Kingdom Come: Deliverance Knights of the Old Republic Knights of the Old Republic II Minecraft:. 80. ) #The festival itself takes place in the western section of Cindersap Forest. Gaining these friendship hearts unlocks unique. . it's a baby or you disabled pregnancy for that animal), the event does nothing. What I'm saying is that if, for example, a mod adds an object to the map, you might see that the characters walk through them because I wrote everything according to the vanilla game map. Emily loves to make her own clothing, but fabric can be difficult to come by in town. The fourth and final event will take place on the Summit map (included in this mod) between 7pm and 12am. 5. . Twitter Farm Play. . . . This mod makes it possible to date and marry Jodi. Lets you date non-datable adult villagers. T. Mods. “Harvey is the town doctor. . Remember Your Umbrella. Ashley and Spooky mod (Updated) 230120. 99,276. json. Must have seen the Seal of Promise event. it was mod event , the game was normal but can trigger the mod event it keep saying event not. If you don't want to reach 100% completion to see the final event, either open the smapi console and enter `debug ebi 3073009` OR install noclipmode to reach the. 1 day ago · Players keep coming back to Stardew Valley because it feels like a real world, lived-in and loving and difficult all at once. Four Hearts 2:37En. In particular, I played through all events with Expanded to ensure they worked before releasing 1. . mysteryboxxd • Additional comment actions ‘‘Twas Stardew valley sex mods that opened my eyes the hour I first believed . They're kept track of in the quest journal, which can be brought up by clicking the exclamation point icon at the bottom of the date/time display in the upper right of the screen, or by using the hotkey F. close. 4. Here's the guides on how to trigger heart events with Haley Two Hearts 0:09Enter Haley and Emily's home when they're both there. If you choose to attend a festival (other than the Night Market), upon leaving you. expect when i load the game i havent had any of the xtardew valley content yet and im at the 8. . Schedule. Passing over it will always be inaccessible except for the day of the Flower Dance, perhaps for the. It takes place in Pelican Town, and is essentially a town wide game of Secret Santa. 0. All of Caroline's Heart Events in Stardew Valley 1. The same Xtardew Valley of Always, but now Emily it's the classic Emily <3Install the Vortex app. As with other buildings in Stardew Valley, you will be able to decorate the spa. Mayor Lewis' lucky purple shorts have a number of secrets. 0 (Vanilla Stardew Valley events shouldn't be bugged either). Yeah, the discord is tagged as NSFW, to Join you need to make a request for the discord staff to update your age to 18 or older, and that includes sending them a picture of you with your ID to prove you are not lying. perrie is mad abot this this mod for stardew valleythe mod for the adult stardew valley-need this to wo. 5. Hamish tries out a bunch of weird Abigail mods. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry. Sophia is another farmer who is added when players install Stardew Valley Expanded. Abigail->Triggers when you enter the saloon between 17:00 and 19:00 in a sunny friday, after seeing the previous event and when you're married to her. Do i need to start a new save (which i hope not since im to far in on my old. He’s a little old for a bachelor, but he has a kind heart and a respected position in the community. Stardew Valley Expanded. Mods. 6 Meteorite 1. chevron_left. Wedding ceremony with Abigail. Comments asking for SVE compat or reporting SVE clashes as bugs will be deleted. The Salmonberry is not only easily acquired but offers many healing effects, such as energy and health, and sells for 5g apiece at standard quality. 136 kudos. ↓Chapters↓0:00 - Two Hearts1:57 - Six HeartsThanks for watching!. Currently there are 24 new heart events. videogame_asset My games. They trigger the 1, 3 and 5 of each month, when you enter the farmhouse between 21:00 and 24:00, when you're at max heart with your spouse. The Stardew Valley version of Christmas is called the Feast of the Winter Star, and it takes place on Winter 25 every year. ↓Chapters↓0:00 - Three Hearts2:01 - Six HeartsThanks for watching! Please subscribe→Valley 1. json file will be created in the SDV folder at ModsFreeLoveconfig. The. The easiest, in the beginning, is to give him Frozen Tears and Quartz since they can be found fairly early on. Below find a list of how to trigger the heart events: 2 Hearts. Voices by Turin. Changed dialogue with name inconsistency. Recently added 65 View all 2,374. . Villagers provide quests and can be given gifts to increase affection. Note that if the player does not collect individual bundle rewards before. ↓. 4. perrie is mad abot this this mod for stardew valleythe mod for the adult stardew valley-need this to wo. Tool names are case-sensitive but can match partially; valid names are Ax, Hoe, Pickaxe, and Watering Can. Stardew Valley. Take a look at the wiki for some info on installing:Stardew Valley. Page 1 of 2 - Xtardew Valley - Portuguese BR - posted in File topics: Xtardew Valley - Portuguese BREste mod trás conteúdo adulto para Stardew Valley. Aug 3, 2023Hi everyone. You might have regularly passed by a small bridge in this area that's normally broken with no given options to fix it, and probably wondered what purpose it served. Year 3. 051s [nexusmods-5f49f65547-bwvxv] This mods aims to bring adult content into Stardew Valley. . This is a handy guide to every single romance available! A life of farming in Stardew Valley is incredibly fulfilling, but as you get further in the game, you might begin to feel like something’s missing. They are citizens who live in and around Pelican Town. It also has a function to show all events that are available to you today in an ingame interface. Thank you! I was trying to figure out why it wasn't happening, then sure enough on Monday she was there. Do i need to start a new save (which i hope not since im to far in on my old. 6版本的非官方更新支持工作。这是Xtardew Valley的汉化包. So find "claire events". The Witch Rasmodia. 3 Farm animal birth 2. It also modifies base NPCs to fit it's story in progression. Abigail’s Heart Events are a bit harder to trigger as she is super active. Spirit's Eve is a festival in Pelican Town where the townspeople recognize the spirits within the town and prepare for the winter season. Here's the guide on how to trigger heart events with Penny Two Hearts 0:09Enter Pelican Town on a sunny day between 9am and 2pm. Follow her as she discovers the terrors of this mod and rethinks her life choices, starting with the following episode. 2 Spouse asks for a child 2. Claire works at the Jojo Mart and is a new npc for you to potentially date. Use this to find the culprit, or send it to experts for evaluation! 6. Games. Contents: The old Wizard is now Witch Rasmodia. Images. I decided to keep it separated in case anyone doesn't want text only events. It seems the original user sharing the files deleted their post. Games. Once you run the game with this mod, a config. New function - Hides events in unavailable locations. Four Hearts 1:28Enter the clinic when Harvey is there. "Hamish explores a mod that teaches you how to hug in the woods real nice, and use a butter churn. . Festivals are special events in Stardew Valley. Jas now included. . This includes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 heart events, marriage dialogue, a spouse room, and slight adjustments to existing content when necessary. Usage: /e <event ID> means has seen that event, then /e <event ID <event ID> means has seen EITHER events, and /e <event ID>/e <event ID> means has seen BOTH events. Hamish explores a mod that teaches you how to hug in the woods real nice, and use a butter churn. Players at any friendship level may enter in Winter between 10am and 6pm. OK it's not. These settings are in Xtardew Valley I believe and as as I know there is not blanket romance all. 5 came out, and now January 2021, we've got a new CP mod in works. Well now, it's. New crops, fish, and forageable items are. Config. 5. There's a large feast, a seasonal shop, and a gift-giving ceremony. I was hoping to being able to mark a quest as complete using. As i said, now i'll begin with the 14 heart events for Leah, Emily, Sophia and Abigail. 6 Get The Return Scepter. 051s [nexusmods-5f49f65547-bwvxv] This mods aims to bring adult content into Stardew Valley. Works for Custom NPCs (yes, that means with Stardew Valley. SVE changes up the base Stardew map to squeeze in a few more NPCs. Adopting. //2. A mod that adds 18 new events for Penny (without replacing the ones already there). Mod Features: Romance: Lets you marry villagers when you're already married. 55% * number of animals inside, e. Last updated 17 May 2018 10:51AM. Certain townspeople will reference your marriage with Sebastian. . But then when i reopen the game, the mod become non existent in the game. YouTube™ Views. ago. Lets you have a roommate and spouse (s) at the same time. ↓Chapters↓0:. . By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 22 exclusive posts. Then click Okay, and close everything down. Between 6am and 3pm, enter the Town Square with Chocolate Cake on the Inventory (non-rainy day). Here is the public release with the three previous patreon events. I am compiling all Event ID's in an excel file because I want an easy organized access to my events ><. Featured on PC Gamer! Description. July 7- The Vault, Nanaimo BC. Schedule. Hazte mecenas. Chapters below!00:00 Two Heart Event01:48 Four Heart Event03:12 Six Heart E. 4 The Crop Fairy 1. Schedule. 65% for three animals), then one random animal in that building. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I decided to keep it separated in case anyone doesn't want text only events. There are a lot of people out there who think Clint is the best looking character in Stardew Valley and since you can’t marry him he’s just eye candy. It is compatible with SVE and won't cause any errors. chevron_left Back to files. Romancing the girls leads to a scene in Haley and Emily’s house where. Donate. Donations. 21:10:53 TRACE SpaceCore Event: BeforeWarp 21:10:53 TRACE game Warping to Farm 21:10:54 TRACE SMAPI Content Patcher edited Data/Events/Farm (for the 'Stardew Valley Expanded' content pack). The Pelican Town Community Center is located in Pelican Town, on the screen north of Pierre's General Store. -Updated for 1. As i said, now i'll begin with the 14 heart events for Leah, Emily, Sophia and Abigail. But then when i reopen the game, the mod become non existent in the game. After leaving the Island at 6pm,. The Sexy Hairy Clint Mod changes the Clint we’re used to seeing into a shirtless lumberjack god for you to enjoy when you go to break geodes or purchase resources. Alternative the first you can trigger should be jodis 4 Heart event. Six hearts. My 4 heart scene with claire bugged and 6 heart event wont show anymore! Stardew Valley Expanded content. After leaving the Island at 6pm, Abigail will immediately go home to bed. You earn a heart every time you accumulate 250 friendship points. Along with Robin, he greets you when you move to the Valley and explains a little bit about life on the farm. " well, seems Leah is in love with black walls. Looking for Love is geared more for the older players wanting to romance someone who isn't. They are citizens who live in and around Pelican Town. It contains a few new things: -Caroline new event (It replace one of the SVE events) :It trigger on. It also has a function to show all events that are available to you today in an ingame interface. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Actually, they did give her three scenes, one where she fucks the wizard in the woods while you and Sophia (SVE character) watch from the bushes, another where her and Jodi fuck in the bathhouse while you get sucked off by Leah in a stall and lastly one where you fuck her after getting 10 hearts with her, she just hasn.